Miyama Ceremonial Matcha
Miyama Ceremonial Matcha
美山抹茶– 一種名副其實的儀式抹茶,喝一口就能帶你到日本鬱鬱蔥蔥的青山之巔。採自單一莊園 Yabukita,嚴格應用遮光工藝,造就了這款儀式級抹茶。其明亮的綠色光澤決定了抹茶的品質,因為天然的甜味在鮮味和苦味的交響曲中流露出來。
深入研究,這款儀式抹茶帶有開心果的底色,並以柔滑、奶油般的口感結束。 我們建議使用 Miyama 來製作 Usucha(純抹茶)和抹茶拿鐵,以品嚐其最佳品質。

What customers said
Amy Ewe
My first Homeday product was coffee bean gifted from a friend. I've been ordering from them every month since!
Zac Lin
Coffee lover and a satisfied customer
so far. I hope you have more products soon. Save a lot of hassles and super convenient with subscription ~
Crystal Lam
I started my journey with Homeday.co with their best seller bean "Morning Shine" and it never fail to impress me! If you are like me, prefer a lesser acidity coffee in the morning, you should start your day with Morning Shine!
Good Quality
We source only the best wholesome products we will use ourselves
Free Delivery
Send to your door step FREE when you buy above RM70!
Great Deals
We deal direct with manufacturers so you can get the best price possible!
Pay Anyway You Want
We accept a wide range of payment options including subcription and pay later!