French Press method for those who don't have time

French Press method for those who don't have time

French Press is considerably easiest way to grew coffee compared to drip filter method, nevertheless you can still get pretty good coffee. It is also considered pretty economic as the single equipment is the French Press maker. 

The secret is all in the grind: choose medium, with uniformity and consistency throughout.  Very coarse grinds may clog the filter, while very fine grinds will pass through the filter, muddying the results.

I would recommend portion of 35g of coffee / 500ml of water, if you don't have a scale, check out my other article here. Put the ground into the container and pour in hotel water. Then insert the plunger into the pot, stopping just above the water and ground coffee (do not plunge yet). Let it stand for 4-5 minutes, you can go about your normal morning routine and come back for the coffee later.




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